Rural Connections

Get in touch and We'll get you connected

Prices start at £30 per month including unlimited data with every option. No phone line required!

One call to the Redraw Team will connect you to all the support you need. As a smaller more dynamic company, (compared to the internet giants), our attention to detail and response time is  immediate. We understand how important your connection to the wider world is to you.

The extensive Redraw Internet network includes a Wireless Internet Service Provider. With more twenty years’ experience in the industry we are specialists in the provision of broadband networks and services into awkward places – especially rural areas. Redraw also supply one of the fastest rural broadband networks available in the country and can boast many connections that are at speeds faster than some urban connections.

We offer bespoke packages to suit all budgets including business and residential, and there’s no need for an expensive phone line.

Whether you are part of a  your local community team or business, planners or developers, using our expertise, we can provide a high-speed rural broadband service that can not only help diversify entire areas, but also the wider community.

The Gigabit Voucher Scheme:

As part of its commitment to achieving full-fibre connectivity in Britain, The Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), the Local Full Fibre Networks programme and the Rural Gigabit Connectivity programme (managed by BDUK) is running a £67m Gigabit Voucher Scheme. This means any SMEs or Rural properties looking to get connected are eligible to claim a gigabit voucher that contributes towards the installation cost of full-fibre internet connections.

What do you need? First of all tell us whether you’re requesting as an individual business, residential property or a community and send us your details on the form below; postcode and address and we’ll do the rest!

(Business Case Studies)

Here’s how a successful application will work :

  •  The Redraw Team will register your request and sign you up for a gigabit connection
  • We’ll then receive a voucher for your request
  • Redraw will get to work to deliver your new connections
  • Boom. You’re connected.
  • Further checks will be made to ensure your connections are of the best standard
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Redraw Internet